What Are The Characteristics Of The Printed Part Of The Satellite Flexo Press
Time: 2020/4/19 9:43:52
Views: 1218
The biggest feature of the satellite flexo press is that it has a large diameter central impression cylinder. The diameter of the drum is usually between 1250 and 2700. The double-wall structure facilitates the temperature control of the central impression cylinder.The surface of the central impression cylinder has a nickel-plated protective layer, and the thickness of the nickel layer is about 0.3 mm. The central impression cylinder is mounted on the roller bearing to control the eccentricity error of the central impression cylinder within ±0.008~0.012.All machining processes, heat treatment methods, dynamic and static balance control, and temperature control methods determine the quality of the final print. In order to allow the printing material to be applied to the surface of the impression cylinder to complete the printing, it is first necessary to ensure the flatness of the surface of the impression cylinder and to reduce the rotation of the printing on the roller. So it becomes the core of the entire device, its internal structure, materials, and jitter in the process. Secondly, in order to reduce the thermal deformation caused by the difference between the thermal energy in the printing process and the temperature difference between the external environment and the temperature difference between the external environment and the temperature, it is usually necessary to use a constant temperature circulation system to control the temperature of the drum.